Terrorist War Security Risks
From a Press Release
by Kenneth Carlisle, CPP Security Professional
Phone: (415) 392-1810
San Francisco, CA
It should be clear to everyone that we are on the brink of war with Iraq. The potential for criminal and terrorist attack is a greater probability. Homeland Security Administration and FBI warnings have indicated that landmark buildings, apartment buildings, shopping malls, retail centers, and banks are at higher risk. Increased security measures are necessary. No longer can one afford to remain ignorant in matters critical to physical as well as economic survival. Security is too important to be left to typical security measures and solely in the hands of traditional security personnel. Security measures must be more aggressive than an “observe and report” response.
Terrorist’s attack is indeed a very creditable element within the criminal threat profile and should be a major part of the business threat and risk assessment process. Understanding and identifying terrorists and criminal methods are essential to an effective security program. Crime prevention and deterrence may be designed to meet the realities of potential threats. Ineffective or inefficient security increases the chances of becoming a victim. Lax security and poor access control in businesses provide “soft” targets for attack.
Through proper risk analysis and security assessments, appropriate and cost responsible security measures can be developed. As we face an ever-increasing threat from terrorist and criminal activity, we must understand the importance of allocating balanced security resources and the importance in maintaining a focused security approach.
The first step is to take proactive action and not to wait until something goes wrong. Begin immediately conducting a comprehensive security assessment that includes a threat analysis that will provide realistic information about potential threats and losses. A properly done analysis will reveal threat levels and risk ratings.
Next as part of the security assessment, design a security program that directly addresses potential threat levels and risks.
Assign a very capable person to be in-responsible-change of security working with clear security guidelines and policy provided directly by upper management. This employee must be a member of the management team. Ensure that all security personnel are seen as part of the organization and part of the company team.
Security awareness programs for everyone are essential, and will vastly increase the effectiveness of the overall security program. To be effective everyone in the organization must have a roll in the program. All must have an investment in security.
Lastly, the greatest danger is complacency and routine. The security program must be checked, reviewed, tested, and inspected. Drills and training must be frequent and well orchestrated.
Kenneth Carlisle is the principal consultant with SecurityNet Security Consultants. He has extensive experience in developing procedures and training for reducing workplace violence and can be contacted at carlisle1@securitynet.com or (415)392-1810 for further information on this subject.
SecurityNet, established in 1987, specializes in security assessments and the design, engineering and development of professional security programs. The firm has designed systems for major high-rise office buildings, apartment & condo communities, and mixed-use developments. Also corporate headquarters, corporate campus complexes, hospitals, transportation industries, manufacturing companies, and large recreational facilities.